The role of Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, is to act as a link between Irish Food, Drink and Horticulture suppliers and existing and potential customers. The objective of Bord Bia is to develop markets for Irish suppliers and to bring the taste of Irish food to more tables world-wide. Bord Bia have an extensive and in-depth knowledge of the Irish industry, and also act as a bridge between companies with shared interests. Bord Bia supported a partnership between 2 Irish Food Manufacturers to create a new category product and asked iReach to run a research project to this concept and measure the likely take-up of this new product. iReach Insights worked closely with the three stakeholders to build a robust research methodology to meet the different needs of each of the NPD partners
iReach Insights created an online survey to test the NPD concept and used a target sample of likely purchasers of this new product category in Ireland. Using our Consumer Decision Research Panel, we were able to pre-screen likely respondents based on gender, age and working status to target a representative sample model and to ensure a close match of the target research respondents for this project nationwide to targeted customer shoppers.
This project needed to be completed within two weeks from questionnaire sign-off to final reporting, so an online survey proved to be most efficient and cost-effective approach and allowed us to deliver the key ‘top-line’ insights within one week and full analysis within two weeks of go-live. As part of the survey, we also tested consumer preferences for product packaging and overall branding by embedding rich media within the survey which represented the different options for this new product.